Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lucky Number 5

My lucky number has been 5 as long as I can remember.  Today it held true for me, thought I wasn't sure of it when I first got up.  

This morning I thought the universe was trying to tell me that things were not going to get better quickly.  This is what I found on the front page of The Washington Post:
The front of the Health & Science section is all about the medical tents, specifically the "Alpha" tent.  The article very clearly describes what runners may experience if they are brought to a medical tent for anything from camps, upset stomach, chest pains and over heating.  Not exactly what I wanted to see after having spent the past 24 hours fighting the flu.  The article is very informative and now I know what other runners may experience in the medical tent because there is NO WAY I'm ending up in the "Alpha" tent. If I end up in one of the ten aid stations around the route, it will only be for a blister.  So if the universe was trying to tell me something, it was, "You will not be going here!"

This evening I'm feeling SO MUCH better.  My energy is coming back and I'm able to eat full meals again!  I'm hydrating and working on organizing Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning.  As many of you know I'm a planner and for some reason I've been procrastination putting the final plans in place.  Probably because I cannot believe the marathon is 5 days away.  Okay, now that I'm thinking about everything I need to get into place I'm starting to freak out - so that means it is time to stop blogging and go relax.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all of their support and generosity with donations.  It means the world to me!!!


  1. Amanda you're amazing!! I send you many wishes of good weather and no blisters! Kim Hannon

  2. Thank you Kim. Looks like your good wishes on the weather is working!

  3. So proud of you!! Got my text message update and am all hooked up for that. Will see you, I hope, at Paige's game and then final plans. Meemaw.
