Saturday, October 22, 2011

Final Countdown

It's time to start the final countdown to the Marine Corps Marathon.  In 8 days I will run 26.2 miles through VA and DC.  Today I'm excited, though I know the nerves will start to kick in soon.  I feel ready for the race.  I followed the training plan, have taken good care of myself and will spend the next week focusing on getting lots of quality rest, hydrating and start carb loading a few days before the race.

I had my last long training run today with the Annapolis Striders.  We ran 10 miles along Greenbury Point Rd to a dirt road (East Rd) which took us under the towers you see across from the Naval Academy.  It was a route we had never done before and running on a dirt road was a little nerve racking because I was afraid I was going to roll my ankle on a rock.  The beauty of the route calmed me (of course today I decided not to run with my phone so I have no pictures) - we ran along the water and saw the sun raise. I may actually get up early every few Saturday's to run this route.  After 17 weeks it seems very odd and sad to think I will not be getting up Saturday mornings at 4:40AM to meet up with the group.  I'm actually going to miss it (comments like this make me start to question my sanity).

A special thank you to Megan who has run with me every Saturday and has supported me through the heavy legs, cramps and mental blocks.  Also to Susan, one of our coaches, who has provided great suggestions and encouraged me when I hit the wall in the middle of the hard part of training.  Both of you have made this a very special and enjoyable experience.  Thank You!

Be sure to check back often this week.  I'm hoping with the extra time on my hands from not having large amounts of miles to run I will be able to post each day.  The MCM is offering runners the ability to post their times every 10K (6ish miles) on their Facebook pages, so on race day everyone will be able to "follow me" along the course.

Its not to late to made a tax-deductible donation to the Susan G Komen Marathon for the Cure.  I have now raised $2,050.00 so. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation click here and visit my fundraising page.  For anyone who donates $50.00 or more I will write your name on my marathon day shirt.

Marathon Shirt Names:
Mom & Dad
Linda B.
Matt, Cheryl & Yuengling 
Jenn, Randy & Aiden Smith
George S.
Don & Candace W.
Jo Ann P.
Todd N.
Shannon & Stan K.
Ada M.
The Buckner Family
The Wooley Family
The Wolff Family
The Lemke Family
The Perret Family
The Pollitz Family
The Dunham Family
The Leslie Family
The Harris Family
The Hannon Family
The Donnelly Family

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