As you know this year I'm participating in the YSC Tour de Pink in honor of my friend and co-worker Wini. To start my virtual ride journey I asked Wini to share her story in her own words. Enjoy!
My Story……
According to the world, at this age or shall I say “stage of the game”, I should be in the job I love making six figures, in the home I want on the water, driving the fully loaded Mercedes, and taking the vacations of a lifetime. Well, who made those rules??? I am in a job I love, not quite at the six figure mark (honestly nowhere near, but who cares?) the house is coming and so is the Mercedes. I can still take vacations wherever I want, so life goes on. I thank God for life. We tend to concentrate on the material things in life but, in a moment’s notice your life can change and those “things” don’t mean as much. On January 4th I was called back in to take another mammogram because there were “shadows” on the first. After the procedure the doctor informed me that I needed to get a biopsy to “make sure” they were just calcium deposits and not anything else. On January 18th I had a biopsy done on my left breast; three days later I received a call saying I had Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) a non invasive breast cancer. I was given two choices, have a lumpectomy or mastectomy. I chose the latter; hey in this day and age you can buy a breast anytime you want! So on March 8, 2010 in the early morning hours, I had my left breast removed. This was the second major surgery I’d had. The first being 29 years ago when my child was born! However God had me in His arms and spared me pain. I went through the surgery with flying colors and was able to heal with literally no pain. Then on June 22, 2010, I had reconstructive surgery. I finally got new breast at almost 50 years of age! I love the fact that I’m “perky”! I’m grateful that since turning 40 years of age, I’ve always had my mammogram every year. If it had not been for the mammogram I would have cancer all through my body today. Although there was no history of cancer in my family, and this happened to me, I chose to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. I believe everything happens for a reason. Hopefully my story helps someone else. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Nobody said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it. Seeing my grandson grow and learn makes it worth it. So I know I must laugh out loud, play with abandon, be at peace in my circumstance, and love God with all my heart.
Wini Alexander
August 27, 2010
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