As I headed out Paige wanted to join me for the first few feet. I'm very proud of her because she was peddling her bike forward instead of has taken a lot of work to get her to this point. Before I left I told James to bring the kids to The Java Shop so we could meet up for a coffee.
As I took off my legs were a bit soar but when I hit mile 6 I started to pick up speed. I only had a few hills before I hit Franklin Gibson which is a stretch of road that is mostly uphill with some very short steep parts. When I made it to the top I was very excited because at that point I got to turn left on to 256 and go down hill! I hit a top speed of 30.1 mph and went 'weeeeeeeeeeeeee' all the way down the hill.

I made it to the coffee shop (10.55 miles) in 40 minutes and waited a bit for James, Paige and Ian to show up. We sat outside and enjoyed a cup of coffee before they headed back home by car and I jumped back on my bike. I was planning on going straight home from there, but took a detour down Franklin Manor to swing by the water. Then I took another detour down Cedarhurst Rd to go by the water yet again (picture).
By the time I got home I had completed 1 hour and 41 minutes of riding and completed 26.36 miles. It was a wonderful ride. Over the past three days I have completed 106.42 miles with a total for September of 147.94 miles. I feel great and am looking forward to a day off tomorrow.
9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
Total - 147.94
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