Monday, September 21, 2009

I just can't stop riding

Today (Sunday) I thought I would complete one final ride to finish up my Hershey's Tour de Pink virtual ride. I mapped out a 40 mile ride and when I added it to what I had already done before heading out I realized I was just 1 mile shy of 280 miles. So I hit the road to go as far as I could. I tested myself by doing a ride I had done during my training which really tested my strength. I was really happy with how well I did, including a very steep hill that I had to take a 5 minute break after to catch my breath. This time I went up in slow and kept going! I completed 44.76 miles in 3 hours. Now I'm at 283.04 miles.

James and I went out to an early dinner to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary as well as celebrate my finishing the Tour de Pink. (Pictures is after dinner in North Beach).
But as we talked at dinner I realized I was really close to completing 300 miles. Sooooo...I can't stop now, I have to complete 300 miles. I'm hoping to do a ride to work this week as long as the weather holds out - we are supposed to have rain the rest of the week. If not I'm going to do a short ride on Friday before James, the kids and I head to Ocean City for the weekend.

As soon as I get my very last ride in I will post again.

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
9/12/09 - 10.47 miles
9/13/09 - 43.4 miles
9/19/09 - 36.47 miles
9/20/09 - 44.76 miles
Total = 283.04 miles

Saturday, September 19, 2009

220 miles reached!

Today I reached 220 miles for my Hershy's Tour de Pink virtual ride!! I was so unbelievably excited I had to stop at mile 18.19, which brought me to 220 miles, to call my Mom to let her know I had done it. (see picture) Unfortunately I was not able to reach her at home or on her cell so I had to leave her a message. Then I called James. It was so wonderful to hear how proud of me he was.

I jumped back on my bike with tears in my eyes and kept going. Each hill became easier and I was able to ride faster. I completed a total of 36.47 miles today in 2 hours and 17 minutes. It was one of my fastest rides yet with an average speed of 16 mph. I have now completed 238.28 miles for the month...and I'm going to ride one more time tomorrow. (Next weekend we are off to Ocean City for a family vacation for some R&R and I'm not bringing my bike.)

My Mom's amazing strength and courage during her battle with Breast Cancer is why I completed this journey. It has not been juggling the kids, weekend errands and just the day to day. I feel I have become stronger both physically and mentally. I also know that I can help make a difference by bringing awareness to others. I'm looking forward to other opportunities in the future to show my support for the battle against Breast Cancer. I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and donations. You helped me raise $540.00 for the Young Survival Coalition. (If you would still like to donate it isn't too late!)

Thank you everyone!

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
9/12/09 - 10.47 miles
9/13/09 - 43.4 miles
9/19/09 - 36.47 miles
Total = 238.28

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting close to 220

My ride this past Sunday (9/13/09) was a long one with rolling hills (the picture is of a little hill) and 2 deer in the middle of the road. Around mile 5 I can up a hill on Sudley Rd to find 2 deer standing in the middle of the road about 8 feet in front of me. I think they scared me more than I scared them. Since I was still going up hill clipped in to my peddles I had to whistle to scare them off. The darted off in opposite direction and then one cut back across in front of me. I don't know what it is with me and deer on these rides. These 2 were numbers 7 and 8 on my 6 rides so far this month.

The rest of the ride took me along Polling House Rd past some very nice, large homes. I worked my way over to 214 and turned on Birdsville Rd at Homestead Gardens. At Rt 2 I turned left (thank goodness there was big break in the traffic to cut across the road) and then took Southriver Clubhouse by to 468/Muddy Creek Rd. I took that all the way back to Shady Side.

It was a nice ride totaling 43.4 miles. I hit a top speed of 30 mph and averaged 15.8 mph. The ride took me 2 hours and 45 minutes.

I plan on finishing the 220 pledged miles for the Tour de Pink this coming weekend...and a few extra miles for the fun of it!

Thank you everyone for your support!!

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
9/12/09 - 10.47 miles
9/13/09 - 43.4 miles
Total = 201.81

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Grey day = Short ride

Today was a very grey day and I was hoping at some point we would see the sun. Around 3PM I got tired of waiting so I headed out for a short ride around Shady Side. I took Snug Harbor to the end then headed to Idelwild. Idelwild is a small community on the Chesapeake Bay. This picture is of the community pier looking out toward the Bay Bridge (way off in the distance):

After I left Idelwild I headed to the end of Shady Side Road and as it started to sprinkle I headed home. I did a short 10.47 miles. Tomorrow I'm hoping we will have clear skies so I can complete the 43.4 miles route I have planned.

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
9/12/09 - 10.47 miles
Total = 158.41

Monday, September 7, 2009

Feeling Good

The plan was for a short 20 mile ride today. I know some of you are thinking, "20 miles, short, are you crazy?" After the past two days and a total of 80 plus miles, 20 was going to be short for me to finish up the long weekend. Plus it was cloudy and a bit chilly this morning.

As I headed out Paige wanted to join me for the first few feet. I'm very proud of her because she was peddling her bike forward instead of has taken a lot of work to get her to this point. Before I left I told James to bring the kids to The Java Shop so we could meet up for a coffee.

As I took off my legs were a bit soar but when I hit mile 6 I started to pick up speed. I only had a few hills before I hit Franklin Gibson which is a stretch of road that is mostly uphill with some very short steep parts. When I made it to the top I was very excited because at that point I got to turn left on to 256 and go down hill! I hit a top speed of 30.1 mph and went 'weeeeeeeeeeeeee' all the way down the hill.

I made it to the coffee shop (10.55 miles) in 40 minutes and waited a bit for James, Paige and Ian to show up. We sat outside and enjoyed a cup of coffee before they headed back home by car and I jumped back on my bike. I was planning on going straight home from there, but took a detour down Franklin Manor to swing by the water. Then I took another detour down Cedarhurst Rd to go by the water yet again (picture).

By the time I got home I had completed 1 hour and 41 minutes of riding and completed 26.36 miles. It was a wonderful ride. Over the past three days I have completed 106.42 miles with a total for September of 147.94 miles. I feel great and am looking forward to a day off tomorrow.

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
9/6/09 - 45.21 miles
9/7/09 - 26.36 miles
Total - 147.94

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The reason I ride pushes me onward

Today was another early morning, starting around 8:30AM. I started out on 468 making a quick loop into a neighborhood. Normally I would cut back across 468 and go down Sudley, so that is what I did, until about a mile down the road I realized I wanted to go to Galesville. So I turned around and headed back to 468 to Galesville. I took a quick break by the water (see photo) at about 10 miles. It was so beautiful!

I then headed down Owensville Rd to Nutwell Sudley - this is where the bigger hills started and I could feel my ride from yesterday. I took Nutwell Sudley all the way to 258 to get to Rt 2. I then went all the way down Rt 2 (about 20 miles) to South River Clubhouse.

At 30 miles I took a quick stretch break and was starting to debate calling James to come and get me. I was tired and feeling every hill in my legs. But then I remembered why I was doing the Hershey's Tour de Pink virtual ride. I told myself those who are battling Breast Cancer do not have the option or luxury of saying they are tired and don't want to keep going. They fight every moment of every day with each treatment and surgery. So I got back on my bike and kept going.

I picked up speed on 468 as I headed home. I took Swamp Circle (barn picture from earlier blog) and took 256 to Shady Side Rd. The last 4 miles were killer but I finished my 45.21 miles in 2 hours and 57 minutes. My average speed was 15.1 miles (3.52 min mile) and I hit a top speed of 29.1 mph - it was going down hill, but it was FUN!

So far I have gone 121.58 miles of the 220 miles I pledged. I hope as you check in on my blog you take a moment to think about what you can do to bring awareness to Breast Cancer. You can do anything from sharing my story, to getting a mammogram and telling your friends, or finding a local event to take part in. Everyone can make a difference and save boobies!

9/2/09 - 41.52
9/5/09 - 34.85
9/6/09 - 45.21
Total - 121.58

Saturday, September 5, 2009

To Beverly Beach

Today was my first official ride for the virtual Hershey's Tour de Pink. I actually did a ride on Wednesday when I biked to work. When I got to work I got a lot of amazed looks and congratulations on biking so far. It really pumped me up and so instead of having James pick me up I decided to bike back home. The day was a total of 41.52 miles.

Today I did an early morning ride starting out a little after 8AM. I took 486/Muddy Creek Rd all the way to 214. Along the way I saw Kate from work drive by and gave her a wave. I then turned onto 214 heading towards Beverly Beach. I passed the Old Stein, one of our favorite restaurants. When I got to the water at Beverly Beach (see pictures) I took a quick break...I was at 16 miles. It was so peaceful and calming I wished I could have just laid down in the grass for a few hours. I then turned and headed back home, taking a quick side road (Turkey Point Rd.) to add in a few extra miles. The left turn from 214 to 468 was not one that I think I will make again. The intersection if very busy and through I didn't have any troubles, it was a bit frightening. I made quick stop on 468 to save a turtle from crossing the road and when I returned back home I had completed 34.85 miles. My average speed was 16.1 mph (3.42 min. mile).

Thank you to everyone for your encouraging words and support. Be sure to check back tomorrow as I'm planning a much longer ride!

9/2/09 - 41.52 miles
9/5/09 - 34.85 miles
Total: 76.37 miles

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last Training Ride

Today was my last training ride before I start counting each weekend ride towards my 220 pledged miles for the Hershey's Tour de Pink. A special thanks goes to Linda for coming over to watch the kids so James and I could go out together.

We headed out a little after 11AM to completed 50.96 miles. We did some local roads then headed out to Mt. Airy. I had a minor fall around mile 18 while still clipped in on my right foot. I totally blame James because he took a right and as I made the turn he looped around to head back the other way. I was able to get my left foot out but when I turned to ask him what he was doing I fell to the right. There was nothing stopping me. Good thing was I fell into grass and not directly onto the road.

A little ways up the road a guy named Walt hooked up with us for about 10 miles. It was nice to have someone new to chat with. The picture is from our stop at 24 miles to fuel up before hitting the road again. We hit some big hills but I was able to make it up all of them. We finished the 50.96 miles in 3 hours and 16 minutes.

I'm very excited about staring my 220 mile pledge next weekend. I want to thank every one for their support and donation.

Thank you!
Ps - Here is the route we took today:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Beautiful Day = Long Ride

Hi all,

After a wash out yesterday, literally, due to heavy rains and winds in the morning and afternoon I got out for a great training ride today. I left the house a little before 9AM and headed towards Galesville. I took a detour down into the very small down to take a quick look at the water, then it was off to hit the hills. Owensville Rd and Sudley are nothing but rolling hills which is really help build my cardio and strength. I came out at Rt. 258 and then turned onto Rt 2. Before I got to 214 I turned onto S River Clubhouse to Rt. 468 (Muddy Creek Rd.). I was feeling really good so instead of going straight home I took a right on to Swamp Circle and took it all the way to Rt. 256. From there I decided I should head home.

It was a great ride. I saw lots of butterflies and even passed two sets of riders (usually I'm the one getting passed. The picture is from a quick stop I made on Swamp Circle to stretch out my lefts. Total I completed 45.21 miles in just under three hours. I hoping the weather will be good next weekend for 2 rides.

Thank you for checking in on my blog. Be sure to check back each week for updates.
Ps- If you would like to see a map of the ride check out this link: | View 45.21 Ride in Shady Side, Maryland

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Getting Started

Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m very excited about my upcoming bike ride challenge for the Hershey’s Tour de Pink! The reason I chose this particular event was 100% of all donations go to the Young Survival Coalition (YSC). The YSC is dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women, under the age of 40, and breast cancer. YSC works with survivors, caregivers and the medical, research, advocacy and legislative communities to increase the quality and length of life for women diagnosed with breast cancer. So to help bring awareness to young women like myself, I have pledged to raise a minimum of $500.00 for the YSC and ride 220 miles in the month of September. If you would like to help make a difference, please donate to this worthwhile cause. Please visit: and make a tax deductible contribution online.

Currently I'm hard at work training to be able to complete two 25-40 mile bike rides each weekend in order to complete all 220 miles by September 27th. Check back over the next few weeks to read updates on my training rides! During the month of September I will blog about each of my rides and let you know how far I have gone.

Be sure to spread the word!